Our OSHA training policy works off of a simple idea, “[That] employees who work in a safe environment feel valued and are inclined to want to produce a quality product, increase productivity, and make customers happy” (Edmund F. Kelly, Liberty Mutual). Often mandatory, workplace safety training programs are the cornerstone of a safe work environment. Programs such as Hazard Communication, Bloodborne Pathogens, and Emergency Procedures are typically required by many industries. What these workplaces may not realize, is that other topics are needed to provide education for employees so that they can work safely while also being productive.
When you hire M.R.S. you are guaranteed relevant and interesting OSHA training that is also interactive and fun, while ensuring that your employees receive up-to-date safety training by our expert instructors.
Training available in Spanish.
Being prepared in an emergency saves lives, and can take a tragedy and make it non-existent. At M.R.S. OSHA our skilled instructors offer First Aid and CPR training to ensure that each and every employee is comfortable in their work environment.

Medic First Aid Basic Plus is a combined adult CPR, AED, and First Aid training program designed for the occupational first aid provider. This extremely flexible program will help employers meet OSHA and other federal and state regulatory requirements for training employees on how to respond and care for medical emergencies at work.
Perfect for:
Individuals who require or desire CPR, AED, and first aid knowledge and skills with a focus on adults.
Certification good for 2 years.
MEDIC First Aid CarePlus is a combined adult, child, and infant CPR and AED program designed specifically for persons who are occupationally required or just desire to have CPR and AED knowledge and skills. The program is based upon the 2010 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) Science with Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR) and other evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Perfect for:
Emergency Response Teams in Business and Industry
School Bus Drivers
Adult Residential Care Providers
Certification good for 2 years.
MEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Children, Infants, and Adults provides an ideal training solution for schools, child care providers, youth sports coaches, and others required to learn how to respond to medical emergencies involving children. This versatile program is based upon the 2010 CPR and First Aid Guidelines, Caring for Our Children, 3rd Ed; and other evidence-based treatment recommendations.
Perfect for:
School Bus Drivers
Child Care Providers
Youth Sports Coaches
Certification good for 2 years.
Our expert safety program includes two different segments that will lead to you achieving your forklift certification: classroom theory and practical evaluation.
- Learn the proper OSHA safety regulation for operating your forklift; you’ll spend approximately 2 hours in the classroom understanding the safety behind operating an industrial powered fork truck, and the specific health and safety hazards of the workplace associated with powering your lift truck.
- Learn the safe and efficient operation of your forklift while complying with OSHA regulations. Certification is done at your facility on your equipment, and all training and reviews are done on-site and scheduled at your convenience (off shifts, weekends, whenever you like).
Successful completion of your forklift training will result in OSHA standard operation of your forklift, and certification of the completion of course.
Schedule Your Safety Training Class Today!
Electrical dangers such as shock, electrocution, electrical explosion, and arc blast will always be present on the job, but a proper electrical training program and strategies can minimize the likelihood of injuries and fatalities. Training focuses on the NFPA 70E Arc Flash Electrical Safety standard that addresses arc flash electrical safety requirements for practical safeguarding of employees.
After completion of this course, your workers will be able to determine the cause of an accident, what corrective actions to take to prevent future accidents, as well as how to properly document an investigation.
This course covers the safe operation and safeguards of boom lifts and scissor lifts. Strict observance and execution of all procedures described in this course will better qualify personnel to work safely using this type of equipment. The course includes classroom training and hands‐on exercises and evaluations.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than one million workers suffer back injuries each year, and back injuries account for one of every five workplace injuries or illnesses. Training covers principles of the back, safe lifting techniques, 10:1 ratio, safe lifting zones, safe lifting procedures are demonstrated, back care, back exercises that can be done at work, and more.
This Bloodborne Pathogens Course is designed to help employees identify hazards associated with blood and other potentially infectious materials in the workplace, and universal precautions to prevent infections and disease from bloodborne pathogens. Course topics include definitions and identifying hazards, Universal Precautions, Workplace practices, Engineering Controls, and much more!!
Learn how to identify a confined space as well as the hazards that can be present in confined spaces. This awareness class is designed for employees who work around confined spaces.
This training is required for persons supervising confined space entry, employees entering and working within a confined space, and those persons tasked with assisting with the entry, but not entering themselves. This course describes the standard, confined spaces and their potential hazards, and various controls that can be used to protect the health and safety of workers from confined space hazards.
Drug awareness training is designed to increase an individual’s knowledge of illegal and illicit drug abuse. Training goes into the physical effects of different types of drugs and their impact on the workplace and employee responsibilities.
Supervisor training is a vital component of an overall drug‐abuse prevention program. This course meets the mandated Department of Transportation (DOT) training requirements. Instructs supervisors to identify workplace behaviors that could indicate alcohol and drug use and how to handle the challenges of workplace drug use.
This 40-hour course is for contractors who work under the US Army Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Manual EM 385‐1-1. The course covers safety, procedures, and requirements as set forth by the US Army Corps of Engineers Safety & Health Requirements Manual. Training includes Site‐Specific Accident Prevention Plan (APP), Activity Hazard Analysis Forms and their development (AHA), Site Safety Health Officer’s Qualifications & Responsibilities, Personnel training, Incident Response, and reporting procedures, Job site Auditing, and more.
Employees trained in your facility’s emergency plan. A facility‐wide evacuation drill will be conducted to evaluate training and procedures. Review your current evacuation plan before training is required.
Provides basic information on workplace eye hazards, types of eye protection, and the proper use and care of eye protection.
The course covers the necessity of safe work practices and regulations designed to prevent injuries and death, due to falls while working on elevated surfaces. Equipment review is conducted only. Does not include hands‐on exercises or evaluations.
The course covers the use, selection, and installation of fall protection equipment. Instruction on fall protection regulations and fall hazard identification. Inspection, maintenance, and cleanliness of equipment, anchorage points.
At the end of the course, the employee will have the tools and knowledge to return to work and establish an “in‐house” training program that is specific to your company’s operation and equipment types, while meeting Cal‐OSHA requirements.
California companies with 50 or more employees are required to provide all supervisors two hours of sexual harassment prevention training within six months of hire or promotion, and then every two years. Meets AB1825 training requirements.
GHS Hazard Communication training provides employees with an understanding of how to safely work with hazardous materials. Information and skills covered in HAZCOM training include identifying hazardous materials, utilizing new Safety Data Sheets (SDS), pictograms, new label format, signal words, and precautionary and hazard statements.
Refresher course meets OSHA’s annual 8-hour refresher training requirement for Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), as specified in 29 CFR 1910.120. Employees involved with hazardous waste operations are required to have 8 hours of refresher training annually.
Awareness‐level training is for responders who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate an emergency response sequence by notifying the proper authorities of the release. They would take no further action beyond notifying the authorities of the release.
This course is designed for first responders at the operations level who respond to releases or potential releases of hazardous substances as part of the initial response for the purpose of protecting nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures.
This course is required for site workers regularly on-site engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards. Their duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various substances they may be called upon to contain.
This course is for individuals who respond to releases or potential releases for the purpose of stopping the release. They assume a more aggressive role than a first responder at the operations level in that they will approach the point of release in order to plug, patch, or otherwise stop the release of a hazardous substance.
The goal of this program is to educate the student on the causes and prevention of heat-related injuries and illnesses and Cal-OSHA specific heat illness program requirements.
What construction workers must know when working in hospitals or medical facilities. The emergence of life-threatening infections such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and re-emerging infectious diseases like plague and tuberculosis have highlighted the need for efficient infection control
programs in all health care settings. Airborne germs may be disturbed during construction negatively affecting patients, visitors to the facility, healthcare, and construction personnel. The course covers practices to restrict the spread of infection. Some of the topics covered include risk assessment, airborne containment control, infection control, and life safety and hazards
Ladders are one of the top ten most frequently cited standards Course covers the correct training, knowledge, and experience required to maintain, inspect, and use ladders correctly and safely.
Lockout/Tagout(LOTO) training covers the control of hazardous energy to protect workers while servicing equipment. Course covers where and when LOTO must be used, specific written procedures to follow, forms, and record‐keeping requirements. LOTO practices ensure that all energy sources are disengaged blocked or tagged out and that all sources are de‐energized and locked in the “off” position during work or repair.
The purpose of this class is to teach the student proper procedures for safeguarding to avoid accidents and injuries.
OSHA 10 Hour Outreach Training ‐ Construction is the primary method used to train workers on hazard recognition and OSHA safety standards. Covers safety awareness and helps each worker recognize and reduce the risks of job site hazards with special emphasis on hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention.
OSHA 30 Hour Outreach Training ‐ Construction is the primary method used to train workers and supervisors on hazard recognition and OSHA safety standards. The course covers safety awareness and helps each worker recognize and reduce the risks of job site hazards. Class is a comprehensive overview of OSHA standards and the safety and health hazards workers may face on the job site with special emphasis on hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention.
OSHA 10 Hour Outreach Training ‐ General Industry is the primary method used to train workers on hazard recognition and OSHA safety standards. Covers safety awareness and helps each worker recognize and reduce the risks of job site hazards with special emphasis on hazard identification, avoidance, control, and prevention.
OSHA 30 Hour Outreach Training ‐ General Industry is the primary method used to train workers and supervisors on hazard recognition and OSHA safety standards. Workers and supervisors taking General Industry course have jobs related to health care, electrical, factory, warehouse, manufacturing, storage, and more. This 30‐hour course covers general industry hazards not specific to those working construction‐only jobs.
Training covers when and what PPE is necessary; how to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE; its limitations; proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE and why PPE is needed.
This class covers general safety guidelines for using hand and power tools.
The course covers the requirements of applicable ASME standards (such as B30.9, Slings, and B30.26, Rigging Hardware). Basic understanding of the applicable slings and rigging hardware and their limitations
Know and understand rigging-related conditions, such as load weight estimation, the center of gravity, effect of angles on rigging components. Written exam and practical examinations are performed to verify the hands‐on capabilities of each participant.
Training ensures that the employee understands the signals used; displays a competent use of these signals, understands crane dynamics including those involving swinging, raising, lowering, stopping loads, and boom deflection. Written exams and practical examinations are performed to verify the hands-on capabilities of each participant.
The Scaffold Awareness Program is designed to help the scaffold user recognize the hazards of various types of scaffolds. Topics covered: falls, unsafe access, falling objects, electrocution, and scaffold collapse.
The course provides the technical component needed by employees who are designated to perform competent personal tasks involving erection, use, alteration, dismantling, and inspection of various forms of scaffolding systems. A competent person must have training or knowledge in these areas in order to identify and correct hazards encountered in scaffold work.
Covers Cal‐OSHA and Cal‐Trans training requirements for flaggers (Cal‐OSHA Title 8 CCR 1599).
Traffic Control training includes residential, urban, and rural temporary traffic control, work zone, traffic control devices, and spacing.
The program provides the technical education component needed by employees who are designate to perform competent personal tasks. The Competent Person for Excavation Safety class is built around the ability to recognize existing and predictable hazards in and around the excavation and appropriate corrective measures. Some of the topics covered include soil mechanics, protective system selection and installation, and competent person responsibilities.
This training program is designed to prepare employees to effectively handle difficult, angry, hostile, and potentially violent individuals. The training is based on threat recognition, personal safety tactics, and verbal skills, which have proven to be effective in defusing violent incidents.